Mar 25, 2012

Web Page Titles and URLs

The poor old title tag. Its function seems to change with every new generation of browsers and websites. But best practices for page titles have always been the same. Here's my list:

  1. Don't start with "welcome to..." "official hompage of..." "website of..." or anything like that
  2. Start with the page's title, not the site's title. The site's title should follow it, after a dash or something. It's nice when you can combine things together like "Contact Gibson's Guitars" instead of "Gibson's Guitars - Contact" or "Contact - Gibson's Guitars."
  3. Your HTML file name should match the page title as closely as possible, eg "contact.html"
  4. When the URL structure follows the naming structure, it just makes things better in too many ways to list. So if you're the Product Feedback page for Access 2011 on the Microsoft site, your URL should be
  5. While on the topic of URLs, a URL like the one above, which points to a page without showing the page's filename, is great. It looks better, it betrays less about the technology behind the site, and it's easier to remember. This can be accomplished in a whole slew of different ways and I'm already getting more off-topic. An .htaccess entry is one easy way.

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