Feb 26, 2012

What's the point of disclosure?

Disclosure is bogus, because nobody's "allowed" to have ADD and present the expected symptoms.

Even once someone knows that you have ADD, and that ADD makes people tardy, messy, rude, forgetful and disorganized, they're still surprised to notice those symptoms. They still won't accept them. They still think it's part of your personality, or something you're doing on purpose, or something that you can just change because you decide to. Because it's important. Because the stakes are higher. Because it really matters this time.

If someone learns you have dyslexia, they'd be surprised if you could do your own accounts without screwing up. If they learn you're depressed, they'd be surprised to see you cheerful all the time.

But when you have ADD, and you tell someone, instead of thinking "I guess I should expect ADD symptoms from them," they think "oh, I guess knowing that they have ADD has removed all their symptoms and I can expect normal behavior."

So yeah, I'm done with disclosure. It doesn't help anything, because people with ADD aren't allowed to have any symptoms. Probably because we're not actually neurologically disordered, we're just worthless scum who like to figure out how to frustrate others, and then get great at it. And we totally need an excuse so nobody can criticize us. So that means it's up to them to stubbornly reject the whole thing, and teach us a lesson for our own good. They know that, with enough pressure, the threat of rejection or dismissal, and constant nagging, we'll decide to leave ADD behind and move on.

It's kind of like those tools who set up the de-gaying camps. It's exactly like that. So yeah, everyone I know is like those stupid Christians. How am I supposed to respect anyone in my life, especially close friends who are supposed to trust me, and especially my parents, who are supposed to accept me? I mean, I guess the answer is that I've never developed true respect for anyone, because nobody has ever made that leap and just taken me for my word. Just simply believed me because that's what I said. I'd rather they just refuse to make friends with someone they don't respect, but I guess I don't have any real friends, because the only people who've been willing to make friends with me are into having friends who they think have been deceiving them from the start and are trying to antagonize them.

I'm sick of this. This is what gives ADD people a "take me or leave me" approach... because we're sick of having friends who aren't truly supportive or understanding. And parents, too. My mom still thinks that I'm going to be able to forward snail mail to her, if it's important. She's still surprised when I don't, she still thinks I just need motivation, and she still thinks I need to learn my lesson and take life more seriously. She still thinks I can decide to do something and then do it. After 30 years of very consistent behavior on my part, she's still taken aback by my ADD symptoms. It's incredible.

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